Understanding and Recognising Gambling Addiction Symptoms

Jamie Wall
Written by Jamie Wall

Gambling Addiction Symptoms

Gambling addiction is starting to be talked about in the news seemingly every week. Ivan Toney, England’s national football team striker, was famously banned for eight months by the Football Association for numerous breaches regarding their player betting rules. Though research does suggest that elite sportspeople are particularly vulnerable, other studies have shown that more people in the United Kingdom are becoming problem gamblers than ever before.

For this reason, our team has written this guide to give you a look at how ludomania works and what are the telltale signs & symptoms of people struggling with gambling.

Rates of Gambling Addiction Continue to Increase

What starts as a fun pastime can quickly spiral out of control for some. As the concern grows, users describe playing casino games as something that takes over their lives – no longer is it reserved for the weekends. Instead, it takes priority over other aspects of a healthy life such as relationships, work, and in some cases, even basic necessities like sleep. More often than not, when these compulsive gambling habits take over, they lead to the breakdown of relationships with their spouse and friends, loss of work, and financial destitution.

“It was easier to kick cocaine and drinking habits than gambling addiction.” Paul MersonRetired footballer and self-proclaimed problem gambler

With casino websites and apps now being available 24/7 through mobile phones, the percentage of people with problem gambling habits in the United Kingdom is soaring.

Country Problem Gamblers in Population Most Affected Age Group in Adults Popular Method of Gambling*
UK 2.9%
18–24 Sports betting (Football)
Canada 3.3%
25–44 Slot machines
US 2–6%
(Up to 20,000,000)
18–24 Slot machines
Germany 2.3%
21–35 Live slots & Sports betting
Italy 3%
50–64 Card games

* lotteries excluded.

Problem gamblers by country statistics

Nailing in a concrete definition can be difficult, and we decided to address this notion more deeply in our article dedicated to dealing with gambling addiction.

Problem gambling (ludomania) can be described as a regular activity that negatively affects your life or mental health. However, as with most dependencies, to understand gambling addiction, you need to understand the way the brain works.

This short video by American Psychiatric Association should give you a brief look at what problem gamblers are facing:

Fortunately, though, recognising the early signs of gambling addiction can be much simpler if you know what to look out for.

Signs & Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

“As the years went on, as with any addiction I guess, I needed more and more of it to get the same feeling.”
Ben JonesRecovering person with gambling disorder from Great Britain

Recognising the warning signs of gambling addiction in others or yourself can be crucial in minimising the damage that it can cause. Our team composed a list of 10 signs of developing an addiction to look out for in yourself and others if you suspect casino play has stepped out of the zone of a merely fun pastime.

Spending More Time or Money Than Intended

Whenever you gamble, you should set clear limits for yourself. In such a way, not only will potential losses be capped, but also you won’t neglect and forget about other things you have to do. And while spending an extra minute or two once in a blue moon isn’t the end of the world, if you find yourself or others constantly breaking their limits, it may be a sign of gambling addiction.

Mood Swings

Gambling should always be fun. Of course, games like online slots will typically include highs and lows, which will inevitably make certain more fun than others, but these should end once you’ve finished playing for the day. If you find this isn’t the case, it is time to take a step back.

Hiding or Downplaying Gambling Habits

You should always hold yourself accountable. A clear sign that you’re not and may have developed an unhealthy habit is if you’re hiding your gambling activity from friends and family or downplaying your losses.

Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms

Gambling disorder is part of a group of behavioural addictions. And just like other types, such as addiction to drugs and alcohol, there’s a chemical component to it. This means that when those who suffer from problem gambling refrain from playing, they’re likely to experience both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms. And so, if you notice that you or others become sad, irritable, or otherwise depressed when not playing casino games, take it as one of the clearest symptoms of gambling addiction.

Missing Social Occasions to Continue Gambling

Gambling can be a social activity. However, if you or someone you know is missing out on social occasions to continue gambling in private, this can be seen as a clear indication of the development of a disorder.

Financial Problems

As mentioned previously, you should always set yourself a budget when you choose to try your luck– and this money that you set aside for gambling should be those you are comfortable with losing. If, however, your habit is likely to cause financial hardships in case you lose your bankroll, then it’s certainly a red flag.

Obtaining Money Through Illicit Means

Going on from the above point, one way that people engaging in hazardous gambling may choose to finance their play is through illicit means. It can manifest itself through taking money from a friend or loved one’s wallet– or even through something more serious like fraud. Whichever way, it’s one of the most serious gambling addiction symptoms.


A common symptom amongst all forms of addiction is denying that there is a problem. Oftentimes, people who demonstrate clear symptoms will even shut down any sort of conversation related to their issue.

Jeopardising Financial Security to Continue Gambling

Whether it’s mortgaging property or skipping work to continue gambling, someone who is willing to jeopardise not only their own, but also to harm their family’s financial security has become deeply addicted to gambling.

Struggling to Quit Gambling Despite Efforts

One of the clearest and most apparent gambling addiction signs is being unable to stop gambling despite trying. Fortunately, though, while it can be scary, your consciousness of the harm it causes can be the key step to fighting and overcoming the dependence.

Gambling Addiction Help


If left unchecked, problem gaming habits can be destructive. The good news is, gambling addictions can be beaten, and there is help available. So if you’ve identified with any of the symptoms listed above or have noticed them in a friend or loved one, we urge you to read our Authoritative Guide to Successfully Deal with Gambling Addiction.


  1. Bergman, Anders. “Gambling Addiction Statistics&Facts2024.” Quit Gamble, January 24, 2024, https://quitgamble.com/gambling-addiction-statistics-and-facts/.
  2. Colon-Rivera, Hector, Fischer, Kavita. “What is gambling disorder?” Psychiatry.org, May 2024, https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gambling-disorder/what-is-gambling-disorder
  3. Gallan, Daniel. “Gambling addiction: Why elite sportspeople are especially vulnerable.” BBC Sport, May 22, 2023, https://www.bbc.com/sport/65601190.
  4. “Germany: 4.6 million adults addicted to gambling or at risk.” Deutsche Welle, November 13, 2023, https://www.dw.com/en/germany-46-million-adults-addicted-to-gambling-or-at-risk/a-67387841.
  5. Patel, Asha. “Jailed gambling addict on mission to help others.” BBC News, August 30, 2024, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czdpqrm6eypo.
  6. Rotermann, Michelle, Gilmour, Heather. “Who gambles and who experiences gambling problems in Canada.” Statistics Canada, August 9, 2022, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2022001/article/00006-eng.htm.
  7. “The gambling problem in the UK.” AddictionsUK, January 17, 2023, https://addictionsuk.com/blogs/the-gambling-problem-in-the-uk/.
  8. “What is gambling addiction? | APA.” Video by American Psychiatric Association, April 11, 2023, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1AXknHzj-s.
  9. White, Jim. “Paul Merson interview: ‘It was easier to kick cocaine and drinking habits than gambling addiction.” The Telegraph, September 21, 2021, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2021/09/21/paul-merson-interview-easier-kick-cocaine-drinking-habits-gambling/.
Jamie Wall
Jamie Wall Casino Analyst

Jamie Wall is a personal finance strategist and casino analyst at Gamblizard, with deep expertise in financial psychology and behavioral dynamics. Through years of studying decision-making and human behavior in high-stakes environments, he's also developed a keen ability to interpret body language signals.

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Which people are most vulnerable to becoming problem gamblers?

Elite athletes are disproportionately likely to develop problem gambling habits. However, the most vulnerable group of people in Great Britain are aged 18–25. Additionally, across all age groups and countries, men are significantly more likely to develop gambling addiction compared to women.

How do you practice responsible gambling?

The first thing to do is to decide when you want to play, and then practice limited gambling by setting how long you want to play for and how much you’re willing to play with. If you notice any issues, all licensed UK online casinos are equipped with gambling support tools that can limit your daily and weekly play and deposit limits.

How do you treat a gambling addiction?

If you believe you have developed an unhealthy habit, it’s crucial that you seek help from trained professionals to discover your triggers and get treatment. We recommend that you set yourself an initial self-exclusion period to make sure that you’re unable to access your UK gambling accounts while you’re seeking treatment. For more advice, we suggest you read our guide on how to deal with a gambling addiction.