Luckiest Baby Names. Born to Be Lucky

Every parent wants their child to be lucky. Despite what they will do in the future, a good bit of luck will come in handy in any profession and any hobby.

Parents can give their child the very best they can, but can they somehow influence the future luck of the child? Can one’s name affect how much luck is on their side?

Gamblizard decided to study what names are the most successful in the world of luck and chance and what kind of children are set to win from birth.

The Luckiest Names for Girls

We studied the lists of winners of national and state lotteries as well as people who won casino jackpots starting from $50,000 for the last 10 years. All of this has given us over 30,000 names and over 42.5 billion dollars in their winnings to analyze.

Talking about girls, Susan is the name that was among the winners the most. The total amount of winnings for Susans amounted to $6.3 billion. The biggest known one-time winner girl name is Mavis claiming $758.7 million win in a Powerball jackpot.

The Luckiest Names for Girls

The Luckiest Names for Boys

There were many lucky ones among the boys as well. Having studied all the names, we saw that the most successful name for a boy is William. It was the name that most often appeared on the list of winners. The total amount of winnings for Williams turned out to be over $5.1 billion. The biggest known male one-time winner name is Manuel with his $768.4 million from Powerball.

The Luckiest Names for Boys


We used WebArchive and available lists of winners of national and state lotteries as well as internal statistics provided to us by our online casino partners about people who won casino jackpots starting from $50,000 for the last 10 years. It gave us a list of 31,612 names and over 42.5 billion dollars in their winnings to analyze.

We then calculated which names appeared in the list the most to build the top of the luckiest baby names based on the amount of times people with the following name have claimed a win.

Names were grouped with alternative spellings and shortenings. This means that the name Bill was included in the total count for the name William, and Tom included in the count for Thomas.